Your nationality: United Kingdom
You need a visa for: Tanzania, Touristenvisum
Number of entries: Einmalige Einreise
The following documents are required for your visa application:
- Kopie des Reisepass (nur erste Seite mit Foto).
- Hotelbuchung
How do you apply for the visa for Tanzania through our visa service?
Download the application form, fill it out, and sign it, then send it along with the above-mentioned documents by registered mail or courier to the following address:
1a Visa Consulting Limited
How much does the visa cost?
Price = Consular fees + Service fees + Shipping costs
1. Consular fees (£/per person)
Einmalige Einreise | £ 50.00 |
2. Service fees (per person, plus VAT)
Standard-Bearbeitung (15-18 Werktage) | £ 90.00 |
Premium processing (priority handling) | £ 170.00 |
Find more information about shipping costs here:
Shipping costsYour nationality: United Kingdom
You need a visa for: Tanzania, Business-Visum
Number of entries: Einmalige Einreise
The following documents are required for your visa application:
- Kopie des Reisepass (nur erste Seite mit Foto).
- Geschäftseinladung aus Tansania,
- Handelsregisterauszug Ihres Geschäftspartners (Certificate of Incorporation),
How do you apply for the visa for Tanzania through our visa service?
Download the application form, fill it out, and sign it, then send it along with the above-mentioned documents by registered mail or courier to the following address:
1a Visa Consulting Limited
How much does the visa cost?
Price = Consular fees + Service fees + Shipping costs
1. Consular fees (£/per person)
Einmalige Einreise | £ 250.00 |
2. Service fees (per person, plus VAT)
Standard-Bearbeitung (15-18 Werktage) | £ 150.00 |
Premium processing (priority handling) | £ 230.00 |
Find more information about shipping costs here:
Shipping costs
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